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Tactical Courses

Pistol Courses


Low Light Elements Pistol Level -II ($300) Intermediate Level (Certificate awarded upon successful completion)

03-15-2025 1:00 pm -8:30 pm
Low Light Elements Pistol Level -II ($300) Intermediate Level (Certificate awarded upon successful completion)

The Low Light Elements Pistol Course Level-II is designed to give the intermediate or advanced shooter a set of solid Low Light handgun fundamentals. Every class instructed at Sierra Element starts with the proper mindset, the class concentrates on the 7 elements of marksmanship, balancing speed and accuracy under stress under low light conditions.


Street Survival Covert Carry Pistol Course ($300) Intermediate Level-I (Certificate awarded upon successful completion)

04-05-2025 8:30 am -3:00 pm
Street Survival Covert Carry Pistol Course ($300) Intermediate Level-I (Certificate awarded upon successful completion)

The Street Survival Covert Carry Pistol Course is designed to give the student a set of solid handgun fundamentals and last resort concealed carry tactics. Every course instructed at Sierra Element starts with the proper mindset. The course concentrates on the 7 elements of marksmanship, balancing speed and accuracy under stress. This course will challenge shooters of all levels as we cover techniques that are currently being used by law enforcement plain clothes operators. 

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23 April 2024
Training Tips
In a world that’s always moving, where every moment counts, the knowledge of basic first aid is more than a skill—it’s a societal necessity. Here’s why every American, regardless of age or profession, should be equipped with basic first aid knowledge...
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Sierra Element, 614 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012