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  • Consulting Services
  • Consulting Services
  • Consulting Services
  • Consulting Services
  • Consulting Services
  • Consulting Services

Consulting Services

Testing & Evaluation (T&E)

Testing and evaluation is more than just testing a piece of equipment in unfavorable environments and scenarios. At Sierra Element we take the time to learn about the equipment inside and out. We research what other pieces of equipment are compatible with the product and documenting both their advantages and disadvantages. Sierra Element has the ability to test weapons systems to outdoor gear. Our team of trained professionals bring motivation and a mission accomplishment mindset to every project we undertake.

Iraq03aMotion Picture Consulting Services

Sierra Element personnel represent all branches of the Untied States Military and American law enforcement agencies. We bring authenticity to every project we undertake. Whether your writing a screen play, your an actor looking for knowledge of military tactics, techniques, and procedures, or a film director who needs actors trained to look, move and speak like seasoned operators. Sierra Element is mission capable and mission ready.

Film projects:

  • Dead Amends - 2012 (Film)
  • Things that need to be shot-2012 (Web series pilot)
  • Purple Heart- 2005 (Film)
  • High on the Hog - 2012 (Film)
  • Futureman 2017- (Televsion)
  • The Mother - 2022 (Film)

Our areas of expertise are wide ranging however our bread and butter is:

  • Anything involving the modern United States Marine Corps.
  • Air Force Predator Drone Operations
  • LE/Mil Sniper Operations
  • Urban Combat LE surveillance techniques
  • SWAT Operations LE undercover operations
  • Hostage Negations
  • Police/ Military Weapons, Uniforms and Equipment.
  • Bomb Squad and Bomb K-9
  • Criminal behavior, clothing & lingo Terrorist/ Insurgent behavior, clothing & lingo

Latest Blog Post

23 April 2024
Training Tips
In a world that’s always moving, where every moment counts, the knowledge of basic first aid is more than a skill—it’s a societal necessity. Here’s why every American, regardless of age or profession, should be equipped with basic first aid knowledge...

Veteran Owned Company

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Sierra Element is a Veteran Owned Company.

© 2021 Sierra Element. All Rights Reserved.
Sierra Element, 614 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012